Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This post covers one full month!! Wow. I definitely waited way too long to post. Anyway, here is our May and first part of June...

June 2, 2009

Today the boys and I went exploring photography locations with a friend of ours. She told me of some great spots in Bountiful and we took our willing subjects along for some pictures. We both loved this new spot and can't wait to try it out some more.

June 1, 2009
Daddy finally got his birthday present (only 2 months late). We've wanted bikes for a long time and we found one Adam really liked and purchased that along with a bike trailer for the boys. Parker and Adam tried it out today for the first time and had a great time. I wish I would have had the video camera handy to capture Parker's giggles as they drove away for the first time.

May 31, 2009
In my "photo a day" post a while back I wrote about the "Parker Shrine" on our wall. Well, we have since added a few pictures of our tiny new guy and he looks great up there on our wall. Parker actually noticed a month ago or so that Carson's picture wasn't on the wall and he insisted that we get one up there quick.

May 30, 2009
After purchasing Daddy's birthday present (see above) Parker couldn't wait to try on his new helmet.

May 29, 2009
Getting familiar with the computer. Following in daddy's footsteps...

May 28, 2009
An after dinner treat. Popsicles are a favorite at our house!

May 27, 2009
Busting out the sidewalk chalk.

May 26, 2006
Carson's baby announcements are here and ready to be addressed and mailed...

May 25, 2009
Doesn't he look cute in his hoody??

May 24, 2009
Tonight we had a thunder/lightning storm and I have been wanting to capture some lightning on camera for a while. I hurried out tonight and got the tripod set up and my camera settings adjusted just in time to miss the lightning. Oh well. Hopefully next time! But I still liked how this shot turned out....

May 23, 2009
Chillin' on the lovesac eating fishy crackers. I liked the angle on this one and how his shoes are sharp but his face is blurred. Notice the bandages on his knees. This kid cannot seem to let his knees heal. Every time they do he falls and gets a new scrape. Welcome to the wonderful world of boys huh.

May 22, 2009
I just can't get enough of his smile!

May 21, 2009
They finally started installing our fence. Yay!

May 20, 2009
Another "ouchie" on his hand this time.

May 19, 2009
We've lived in this house over a year and a half and have never had coverings for our front door window. We've become accustomed to not having privacy and not being able to ignore solicitors but we finally broke down and purchased shutters for these windows. We LOVE them!

May 18, 2009
He has a smile that about swallows him whole. And I can't get enough of it! He started smiling early, around 6 weeks, and hasn't stopped since. What a happy, easy-going baby C is.

May 17, 2009

Parker LOVES water and usually plays in our kitchen sink. However, with this water table he plays for quite a while and can make all the mess he wants to. It has been so fun.

May 16, 2009
Bathed and in PJ's for the night but still wishing he could play outside...

May 15, 2009
My two boys. I still can't believe I have 2 boys! They have already really grown to love each other. Parker LOVES to hold Carson's hand and touch his hair and Carson zones in on Parker and won't stop smiling when he is around. I think they will be great pals...

May 14, 2009

May 13, 2009
Self portrait of Parker and I.

May 12, 2009
I can't believe I let him eat this inside... It was worth it!

May 11, 2009
Relaxing on our bed

May 10, 2009
Un-winding after church

May 9, 2009
He still can't quite find his thumb very easily but when he does he goes to town on it...

May 8, 2009
There is just something about a baby's yawn.

May 7, 2009
Enjoying the weeds and wildflowers on our trail walk today

May 6, 2009
Throwing rocks in the water

May 5, 2009
Who said this thing is only for babies?? I did, but when I turned around Parker had already snuck in there.

May 4, 2009
I love this face

May 3, 2009
Sitting in Carson's car seat and watching himself on the video camera. He cracks himself up!