Thursday, January 29, 2009

Days 26-29

January 29, 2009
Gearing up for the Super Bowl. Not sure why he took this stance, but what the picture doesn't show is that he wanted me to do the same thing and face him. It really felt like we were on the line of scrimmage. He cracks me up.

January 28, 2009
So Parker is starting to phase out of naps. Sometimes he crashes and really needs the sleep, and other times he will happily play in his crib for 2 hours. Today was actually a napping day but before he fell asleep, he lined up all of his friends between the rail of his crib and the wall and had a great conversation with them...

January 27, 2009
After playing outside today we came inside and took off all the gear and he had some pretty severe hat head.

January 26, 2009
My amazing hubby. He comes home every day exhausted. Work is going well (fortunately, in this horrible economy) and they have some exciting things on their plates but it definitely takes a toll on them. He is so great to come home and play with Parker and enjoy the time as a family but if you give him a minute of down time, it doesn't take long before he zonks...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 22-25

Enjoy these snipits from the past few days around our house...

January 25, 2009
"Cah-corn" as Parker calls it. We both LOVE it and you'll usually see some around our house every couple of days. Lately our favorite tradition has been getting a fresh batch at Target whenever we go shopping there. It is super yummy. On the days we are in a hurry and I don't take the time to stop at the deli for some, Parker reminds me and asks for it until we get some.

January 24, 2009
My favorite shot in recent weeks. We enjoyed some time outside on Saturday, even though it was somewhat cold and cloudy. Parker wanted his boots on so he could splash in the giant puddle between houses. He had such a great time and I got a few cute pictures but this one is my favorite because of the reflection in the water...

January 23, 2009
Our current obsession. At least for myself and Adam. Parker, himself, has never seen the show but loves watching the beginning because he gets to see "ABC's on TV."

January 22, 2009
My best little helper. He loves to be anywhere and everywhere I am and quickly notices when I leave the room, and either calls out for me or quickly comes to find me. He does enjoy some alone time to play but for the most part, he is my little shadow. When I do laundry, Parker loves to sit on the dryer next to the washing machine and drop clothes into the water as I hand them to him. Well today, he was sitting on the dryer (before I had started the water) and I turned to figure out what I wanted to wash. Before long, I turned back around to see his little body drop inside the washing machine. Grins and giggles followed along with a tiny little voice informing me it was "Parker's turn." Ah, how I love my little shadow!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 18-21

I have two for today because both warranted a picture!

January 21, 2009
Waking up to a very foggy morning. Ah, how I love January!

January 21, 2009 (photo II)
It came! My new lens!!

January 20, 2009
Parker discovered pockets...

January 19, 2009
Parker and I went on a walk today. It was actually not too bad outside in the afternoon and the sun was even shining. We spent about an hour out there and then our hands were frozen and it was time to come in. This shot was taken just across the street from my house...

January 18, 2009
Today I went to Union Station in Ogden to take some pictures for my friend. They have a lot of cool trains out there and I new Parker would love to see them so this shot is for him...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 14-17

I haven't forgotten to take my pictures each day, I'm just posting a few at a time instead of each night. Something exciting to note is that I've finally ventured out of my comfort zone and have started shooting in manual!! It will take some getting used to but so far I'm loving it! Enjoy the pictures from the past 4 days...

January 17, 2009
Every time we pass a stop sign, Parker yells out "mommy, I saw the ABC's on the stop sign!" He is fascinated with the ABC's and loves to sing them over and over again...

January 16, 2009
This is where I spend a lot of my free time...

January 15, 2009
Our cute neighbor girl let Parker play with her remote control car. He got the hang of it (at least forward and backward) pretty quick and had a blast until the batteries died.

January 14, 2009
I am working on building my photography props and ordered these cute hats for this purpose. When the doorbell rang today and the UPS guy dropped off this package, Parker couldn't wait to see what was inside. After opening the package and finding a few hats, he had to try them on...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 12th and 13th

January 13th
Painted toes, with the help of a two year old :)

January 12th
The stack of books we read each day. Parker loves his books. Baby Bear, Baby Bear is a favorite right now and he loves to name all of the animals at the end of the book. Tails is another favorite and although he loves each page, often times he wants to skip right to the back and find the numbers. He knows all of his numbers (1-10) right now and can recognize them by sight. He can count to 20 although he sometimes still mixes up the order of some of the 'teens.'

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 10 and 11

January 11
"Squeaky." Parker's new pal...

January 10
Supporting his team!

Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009

My little helper, assisting me on my new project. It appears he enjoys the Doves as much as I do! (See January 6 photo).

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8, 2009

With plenty of ventilation and water based paint, I begin my next project!

January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6, 2009

My biggest temptation. I am a sucker for anything chocolate, but especially Dove. I've walked past this candy bowl countless times today, each time talking myself out of a treat but by late afternoon I caved. And I loved it...

Monday, January 5, 2009

January 5, 2009

Hanging out in his "undies" and checking out the latest snow storm...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4, 2009

The tree is down. Christmas is officially over...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2009

Bidding farewell to the numerous Christmas cards we received from family and friends. Hard to believe this season has already come to a close.

January 2, 2009

Wrinkled feet and toes from swimming in the pool. Baby feet are always cute, but there is just something scrumptious about them fresh out of the water...

January 1, 2009

We spent New Years day with Adam's parents in St. George, Utah. The sun was shining, the grass was green (somewhat) and we soaked it up.