Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 14-17

I haven't forgotten to take my pictures each day, I'm just posting a few at a time instead of each night. Something exciting to note is that I've finally ventured out of my comfort zone and have started shooting in manual!! It will take some getting used to but so far I'm loving it! Enjoy the pictures from the past 4 days...

January 17, 2009
Every time we pass a stop sign, Parker yells out "mommy, I saw the ABC's on the stop sign!" He is fascinated with the ABC's and loves to sing them over and over again...

January 16, 2009
This is where I spend a lot of my free time...

January 15, 2009
Our cute neighbor girl let Parker play with her remote control car. He got the hang of it (at least forward and backward) pretty quick and had a blast until the batteries died.

January 14, 2009
I am working on building my photography props and ordered these cute hats for this purpose. When the doorbell rang today and the UPS guy dropped off this package, Parker couldn't wait to see what was inside. After opening the package and finding a few hats, he had to try them on...


  1. Way to go on shooting manual! You may have to give me a few tips...

    And I love the hat! Can't wait to see some of your new props!

  2. Cute pics! I've just started shooting in manual as well. I love the hat... :)
