Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 12th and 13th

January 13th
Painted toes, with the help of a two year old :)

January 12th
The stack of books we read each day. Parker loves his books. Baby Bear, Baby Bear is a favorite right now and he loves to name all of the animals at the end of the book. Tails is another favorite and although he loves each page, often times he wants to skip right to the back and find the numbers. He knows all of his numbers (1-10) right now and can recognize them by sight. He can count to 20 although he sometimes still mixes up the order of some of the 'teens.'


  1. Nice, ha ha ha! I love the toes. I love reading books to my kids. They hold still, they cuddle (my kids are generally NON-cuddlers) and I can sniff the top of their little heads. :)

  2. Can't reach your toes anymore, huh? Glad Parker can help! ;)

  3. You are a nice mom to let Parker help on your toes... that is so awesome!
