Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 8-10

March 10, 2009
With a lot of insight, tips and direction from my friend I was able to create this set up for my photography "studio." I am excited with the result and now just need to use it. If you're interested in having pictures taken, let me know :)

March 9, 2009
For my birthday I got a lighting kit. Now taking photographs indoors is a ton easier and the outcome is ten times better! Parker was my first subject (of course lol) and this is a shot of him posing for the camera. I only had one light set up at the time and have since sync'd my 2nd fill light so the shadow on the left isn't there. I love, love, LOVE this new gear.

March 8, 2009
Our big boy! He's definitely 2. He likes to do everything by himself!

1 comment:

  1. I love what you're doing for your studio! And of course I want you to take my kids pictures! We'll be by soon! :D Parker is a great kid to practice on. Never can get enough of that cute little face!
