Saturday, March 7, 2009

March Already??

Wow...time is flying by! We had a wonderful conclusion to the month of February and have welcomed March with open arms! See for yourself...

March 7, 2009
Parker found the Santa hat he wore when he was a tiny baby and thought it was so fun to wear it again. He wore it around the house for a bit today and when I finally got him to look at me, all he gave me was his cheesy smile. I love his goofy personality and quickly snapped a few shots...

March 6, 2009
Officially ready for our new baby boy! Parker's old clothes and a few new purchased items are washed and hanging in his closet. He can come any time now :)

March 5, 2009
Just a lazy night at home. Parker likes to have his chair on the couch by daddy...

March 4, 2009
Our neighborhood is doing a little preschool once a week and we love going and learning and socializing (yes, I am learning things at preschool too, LOL). This month the lessons are about seasons and Parker (with my help) made this cute little sun to use when he sings itsy bitsy spider.

March 3, 2009
His thumb and his blanket...he doesn't need anything else. I'm sure I have a ton of photos similar to this but this just sums up the kind of boy Parker is. Easy going and happy go lucky...

March 2, 2009
Dancing, with Monkey. On Sesame Street today they had R.E.M. do a musical number with the muppets ("Furry happy monsters"). We recorded it and usually have to watch this and dance to it at least once every day...

March 1, 2009
Our cluttered fridge. We didn't know when purchasing our stainless steel fridge that the front was not magnetic. We have to put all of our things on a tiny section on one side of our fridge. Needless to say, it gets really cluttered, really quick.
What?? It was late and I nearly forgot to take a picture today...

February 28, 2009

Walking to the Jazz game. The 3 of us had a great time and Parker LOVED cheering on the jazz. He is fascinated with "beep beeps" any and every kind and at the jazz game it happened to be the beep of the buzzer. "C'mon Jazz" is the phrase he shouted all night and he hasn't stopped talking about the game since...

This was a shot of Trax as we were walking to the arena. Parker REALLY, REALLY wanted to ride on it and kept hollering, "stop train, stop. wait for me" whenever one would pass by.

February 27, 2009
We are desparate for any sun and took advantage of it when we got some. Parker LOVES the park if you can't tell by the expression on his face.

February 26, 2009
Trying to zip up his jacket. He is determined to do it by himself one of these days.

February 25, 2009
Our little teenager. He is a tough one to wake up from naps and loves to ignore me and put the blanket over his head when I try to wake him up...I posted more about this one on our family blog.

Whew...that was a lot of pictures to post! I really need to be more faithful at posting more often. Thanks for sticking with me this long, for those of you who have :)


  1. You are doing great shooting manual Becki! That Trax picture turned out awesome! Isn't it funny how we purchase these little pieces of furniture for our little ones, and all they use them for is to sit on them on top of the big furniture??

  2. LOVE these photos! I love the one with Parker on Adam's, so sweet :) I want to get some studio lighting day!! I still want to come see what you got!!
