Thursday, January 29, 2009

Days 26-29

January 29, 2009
Gearing up for the Super Bowl. Not sure why he took this stance, but what the picture doesn't show is that he wanted me to do the same thing and face him. It really felt like we were on the line of scrimmage. He cracks me up.

January 28, 2009
So Parker is starting to phase out of naps. Sometimes he crashes and really needs the sleep, and other times he will happily play in his crib for 2 hours. Today was actually a napping day but before he fell asleep, he lined up all of his friends between the rail of his crib and the wall and had a great conversation with them...

January 27, 2009
After playing outside today we came inside and took off all the gear and he had some pretty severe hat head.

January 26, 2009
My amazing hubby. He comes home every day exhausted. Work is going well (fortunately, in this horrible economy) and they have some exciting things on their plates but it definitely takes a toll on them. He is so great to come home and play with Parker and enjoy the time as a family but if you give him a minute of down time, it doesn't take long before he zonks...


  1. I love the stuffed animals photo, such a cute story to go along with it. I consider myself to be pretty lucky, because I can still get Drew to take naps and he's 4 1/2!!

  2. In the "hat hair" picture Parker looks so grown up! I love that he sits and talks to his animals. What an imagination!
