Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 18-21

I have two for today because both warranted a picture!

January 21, 2009
Waking up to a very foggy morning. Ah, how I love January!

January 21, 2009 (photo II)
It came! My new lens!!

January 20, 2009
Parker discovered pockets...

January 19, 2009
Parker and I went on a walk today. It was actually not too bad outside in the afternoon and the sun was even shining. We spent about an hour out there and then our hands were frozen and it was time to come in. This shot was taken just across the street from my house...

January 18, 2009
Today I went to Union Station in Ogden to take some pictures for my friend. They have a lot of cool trains out there and I new Parker would love to see them so this shot is for him...


  1. You are doing great work! And yay for a new lens!

  2. Great photos!! I love the one of Parker "discovering" his pockets. What lens did you get?

  3. Hey Linds...the new lens is just a 55mm 1.8. I've needed it to get better indoor shots and it is AWESOME to learn manual with. What lens do you use?
